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New SBC Management System functionality

Realized user stories

In consultation with the users of the SBC Management System, two user stories were developed, the necessary functionality was added to the system, tests were carried out and the functionality was put into production.

I. User story: corporate family

A compliance officer requests the recording of related parties (contract parties and suppliers). The related parties are related to the processing, contracts, investigations, data leaks and information systems.

II. User story: prove effective operation

The desired functionality consists of recording evidence of the effective operation of management, security and compliance measures. This accountability information is related to the related parties, the contracts, the processing, the information systems and business activities. The accountability information also relates to the documentation and attendance lists of awareness and training programs and the compliance reports.

What are the next steps?

MYOBI will develop an Information Ecosystem on the trust network for business users in the first half of 2024. A company organizes its reputation management with the help of the Information Ecosystem. The next step is to enable the SBC Management System on the Information Ecosystem. This allows companies to effectively organize compliance with compliance obligations arising from the GDPR and the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI – Act).


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Mind Your Own Business Information (MYOBI) is een Trusted Third Party (TTP) die het vertrouwensnetwerk beheert, bedrijven in staat stelt hun informatie ecosysteem te beheren en vertrouwensdiensten levert. Op het vertrouwensnetwerk laat MYOBI professionele leveranciers van toepassingen toe die voor de gebruikers van het netwerk toegevoegde waarde leveren.