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What do users get in the Trust Network get?

Users have access to their information ecosystem with which the company manages its own business and personal data and its accessibility. After successful registration, the legal representative can access the information ecosystem.

Business users enter the processor, data exchange or director agreements based on the TTP policy, including accountability for organising compliance with legal and contractual obligations. Also, business users show the level of compliance in their Accountability Seal and publish the seal in the MYOBI public register.

We discuss the following topics:


Feel free to contact us. We also have webinars available to participate in.

André Biesheuvel

André Biesheuvel

André is de bedenker van Mind Your Own Business Information (MYOBI). Hij heeft de dienstverlening en de organisatie van MYOBI uitgewerkt en operationeel gemaakt. André is de directeur van MYOBI B.V.